The ECCMA Prefix Name Server manages the administration of ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM.
A SmartPrefixTM is an ISO 8000-115 identifier which is used to uniquely identify the owner of a part, product or item number. A SmartPrefixTM can be your organization, product or brand name
ISO 8000-115 is a part of ISO 8000 - the international standard for data quality –which relates to the exchange of quality identifiers in master data. It is a very simple but powerful standard which is being adopted globally to drive Industry 4.0. You can read the published standard here
A SmartPrefixTM uniquely identifies your item or product, making it more visible for requisitioners to access in their ERP systems. ISO 8000 data is machine readable, portable, and exchangeable in multiple languages without loss of meaning.
Industry 4.0 is set to be driven by standards to ensure that all parties communicate in the same language. Although the processes are smart, the data behind it lacks the true requirement of a digital process. ISO 8000 quality data addresses this missing link in the chain.
Large buyers and government agencies are making standardized quality part numbers and standardized product specifications mandatory. A Smart Prefix enables you to publish item descriptions in a Structured Data Format (SDFx) for platform independent sharing of product data.
ISO 8000 quality part numbers enables the easy identification of items and linking to multiple classifications and tariff codes.